How to make early retirement possible with a side hustle

This week we’re continuing my Interview Series with successful female entrepreneurs in the online space! And I’m so excited to introduce my friend and teammate, Tammy Hickey.

This is for you if you’re craving something more than the 9-to-5 grind.

Maybe you’re feeling lost in your purpose. Maybe you’re craving a family vacation. Maybe you’re already thinking about early retirement.

You’re wondering about what else is out there.

Tammy is here to give you her best tips for adding a side hustle alongside your 9-to-5 job!

Tammy is a wife and mama who grew up in the corporate world. She got her degree and started to climb the corporate ladder. Fortunately, Tammy worked for great companies and great people - but eventually, she says, it became all-consuming.

She started asking, “Is THIS really what God designed me for in the world?”

When she started to feel unfulfilled by her work in the corporate world, Tammy started to explore other opportunities. She dabbled in work with other mlms and run + fitness coaching. Then she learned about another opportunity with our now-shared organization: The Freedom Collective.

Tammy was resistant to the new opportunity at first, but then it clicked:  

“You know when God has your heart, because He doesn’t leave you alone about it!”

Tammy says this side hustle opportunity in network marketing provided the means to an end: The option for early retirement so she can continue to explore her True Calling in the world (whatever that becomes!).

And the fun thing about Tammy is that she JUST. JUMPED. IN. She was ready, so she went for it!

Today Tammy is sharing her Top 3 Steps to building a freedom-based side hustle that allows for early retirement and time to enjoy it:


First, start by asking: How can I incorporate this side hustle business into my life (and make it work FOR me)?

Then take these three steps to make it happen!


#1. Focus on Power Hour activities every day.

There are four things I do everyday during my Power Hour, to contribute to my side hustle business:

  1. Create and add value through social media

  2. Build relationships (partly by adding value to my social media channels!)

  3. Follow-up with people who I’m building relationships with

  4. MOST IMPORTANT: Personal Development

Your mindset will make or break whether you succeed in this business.

I know that when I do these things every day during my Power Hour, I’m setting myself and my side hustle business up for greater success.

QUICK TIP: Time block your Power Hour activities every day. Choose to wake up early in the morning, take time on your lunch break, or stay up after the kids go to bed.

You have to be intentional with your time, especially if you’re also working a 9-to-5 job.


#2. Maximize your downtime.

Some people call this multitasking. Other people call it double-dipping.

Your brain cannot focus on more than one thing at a time, BUT. You can pair activities to become more productive!

While you’re doing one mundane activity (driving home from work, running in the morning, folding laundry, waiting for an appointment), you can also use your brain for another activity (listening to personal development podcasts and books, quickly following up with clients and customers).  

TIP: Time block downtime outside these moments too! Select another time during your day when you can meditate and pray, but make sure to maximize the other moments for personal development and taking action.

You have to be smart about the way you spend your time, especially if you’re working the Side Hustle Biz.


#3. Surround yourself with a Tribe of women who “get it.”

This is what keeps me in the game, especially when building my side hustle business is HARD.

Sometimes it feels like I’m putting in all kinds of work that never gets noticed - and that’s what’s so incredible about the Freedom Collective Team! Everyone is supportive and ready to pour into one another.

There’s always someone who can be the Listening Ear or the Kick-In-The-Butt.

TIP: Don’t be the smartest person in the room! Surround yourself with people who can inspire and motivate you, plus people who will support you when you’re struggling.

You will have hard days in online business, whether it’s your whole income or your side hustle.

You need a tribe to support you (a tribe you’re ready to support, too)!

One of the best things about network marketing is that your Team is working toward your same goal! You’re in the game together.



You can do this. Take one step at a time. Don’t get overwhelmed by what’s ahead of you, just take the next step.

The only way you make progress is by taking action (not thinking about taking action!).

Just reach out. Have the conversation. Ask the question… And make the decision! You’re ready.



Jasmin Niemiec


P.S. I encourage you to reach out to Tammy Hickey if you’re wanting and needing more support (or if you’re ready to DIVE IN!). She’s an incredible resources for building your side hustle inside The Freedom Collective!


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