How to Make Money as an Influencer in Health + Wellness

I’m so excited to continue my Interview Series with successful female entrepreneurs in the online space! I’d like to introduce my friend and teammate, Holly Wyer (she’s coming to you all the way from England!).

Holly is talking about how to make residual income with your health + wellness business.

I started in health + wellness coaching more than three years ago! First I worked in network marketing (unsuccessfully), and then I started training runners through my run coaching business. (This is the same path many of my clients have taken, too!)

Holly has a variety of business experience, from running a brick-and-mortar company to working as a certified Turtle Tots teacher to partnering with Amazon Business. Now she’s actively working toward her health coaching certification, plus she’s a leader in her network marketing company!

That’s why Holly is here today.

We’re going to help you explore your options to create greater financial stability in your health + wellness or coaching business.

As you watch our interview, consider these questions:

  1. What is active v. passive income (and why does the difference matter)?

  2. Which partnership(s) make sense for YOU and your business?

QUESTION #1: How did your audience respond to your change from talking about health to talking about health, wellness, and beauty?

This is something I really had to consider before jumping into the opportunity, because I didn’t have much of an audience when I started in health coaching. I was still building my audience, and I didn’t want to confuse them with two completely different messages.

But here’s the thing: Health + Beauty really aren’t that different!

The people I want to coach are conscious of their health + wellness. They care about their bodies. And part of that consciousness means switching to healthier beauty products, too.

Health and beauty are not conflicting ideas. They work really well together, especially with the message I want to share:

Self-care is about the WHOLE self, including what you eat, how much you sleep, and the products you choose for your body.

As long as your partnership is in alignment with the message you’re already sharing, there’s no reason these can’t work seamlessly together.

ACTION: If you’re in health + wellness coaching, think about your Ideal Client. What does she care about? What does she need? And which mlm partnerships might you choose to serve her better?


QUESTION #2: Why did you decide you needed both active and residual income?

If I only have active income streams, I’m always trading hours for dollars: I only make money when I’m working with a client.

Trading hours for dollars can easily lead to burnout.

Plus, if I want to make more money, I either need to (1) charge more per hour, or (2) work longer hours.

That’s the Active Income Trap.

If I’m not booked with clients, I worry about where my next dollar will come from. And even if I am fully booked, I’m trapped by the hours I work and the money I can make.

Adding a residual income stream means building a business that makes money regardless of the hours I work.

Health + Wellness Coaches need residual income for something as simple as going on holiday!

If you work for yourself, you don’t receive paid vacation time.. unless you set your business up that way, with additional or residual income. Without residual income, taking time off means sacrificing your income.

You need the option to make money while you’re resting (much like you might receive a paid vacation at your 9-to-5).

But as your own boss, you have to work that into your business model!

Residual income through network marketing is my preferred way to do this, because it’s a collaborative effort with my Team. We work together, for ourselves and for each other.


QUESTION #3: How did you know which partnership was right for you?

I asked myself a few important questions:

  1. The product. Is the product in alignment with my brand? Is it consumable (will people purchase more than once)? Does it require a huge change for customers (is it too much work for them, and therefore too much work for me to convince them)?

  2. The company. Does it have a good compensation plan (can I actually make money)? Is it worth my time?

  3. The lifestyle. Does it require me to take orders or buy and sell inventory (will it take up all my free time)? Does it require more time than its worth?

My biggest realization was this: If I’m posting (or even just scrolling!) on social media already, why not get paid for it?

Our mlm team, the Freedom Collective, is all about building your own individual brand and leveraging your influence to grow a residual income stream for your business.

The micro-influencer is who we buy from now and where we look for product recommendations.

And as a health + wellness coach building my following, I can be that influencer for my people! And I can help my team do the same.


QUESTION #4: Do you have any words of wisdom for mama entrepreneurs in health coaching?

When you’re training as a health coach (or whatever business you choose), you have to continue to invest in yourself, your education, and your business. Often that means learning all kinds of new things, all the time, and for a high price.

If you find the right team, you can receive incredible training for FREE, from people who generally charge thousands of dollars for their expertise.  

If there’s one piece of advice I can offer, it’s this: The training itself (at least inside the Freedom Collective!) is more than worth the price to join.

You can use the tools you learn with this partnership in every other thing that you do.

ACTION: Grab your journal, and answer this question: Would you rather jump in today and fail OR look back in 10 years and say, “What if I had…”? (Don’t think about it for too long! Just write your response.)


Now, go back and answer these questions:

  1. Why do you want + need a residual income stream for your online business?

  2. Which partnership(s) make sense for YOU and your business?

A big THANK YOU to Holly Wyer for joining us on the blog today! If you’re in the UK, reach out to Holly for all things business! She’s an incredible resource of information for the online business owner, plus she’s rocking this mlm partnership!


xo, Jasmin Niemiec

P.S. If you’re in the UK and ready to launch your residual income stream, reach out to Holly for all things business! She’s an incredible leader inside The Freedom Collective.



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