5 Must-Ask Questions Before Redesigning Your Website

Your website is more than just a digital address; it's your brand's virtual playground. Considering a redesign? Pause for a moment. In this blog post, we'll explore five crucial questions to ask yourself before diving into a website overhaul. Plus, we'll debunk a common web design myth along the way.

Question 1: What's the Purpose Behind Your Redesign?

Before you embark on a redesign journey, understand the purpose. It's not just about looks; it's about functionality, user experience, and achieving specific business goals. The myth we're busting here is the belief that a fully custom website is the only way to be legitimate. Here's the truth: a well-designed template, like the JAS website template from Carbon and Clay, (use code JAS10 for 10% off) can elevate your brand without breaking the bank. Remember, a designer can enhance your brand, but they can't give it substance.

Question 2: Is Your Website Ready for a Change or Just Feeling Bored?

As you contemplate a redesign, distinguish between a genuine need for change and mere boredom. Ensure your website accurately reflects your current business and resonates with your audience. The myth to dispel is the idea that a redesign is only necessary when you're bored. Instead, focus on whether your website aligns with your business goals and effectively converts visitors into customers.

5 Must Ask Questions Before Redesigning Your Website

5 Must Ask Questions Before Redesigning Your Website

Question 3: Does Your Website Convert?

Your website is your 24/7 sales tool, and it should be working for you. Contrary to the myth that design is just about aesthetics, it's also about conversion. Does your website effectively guide visitors to take action? If not, it might be time for a strategic refresh.

Question 4: What Should You Update This Week?

Feeling the itch for an instant impact? Here are three things you can update this week:

  • Portfolio: Keep it current by adding new projects regularly. With the JAS website template from Carbon and Clay, (use code JAS10 for 10% off) updating is a breeze, allowing you to showcase your latest work without waiting on a designer.

  • Home Page: Your home page is prime real estate. Refresh it regularly to reflect your current stage of life and business. Let potential clients connect with your journey.

  • Services Page: In a rapidly changing world, keep your offerings up to date. If you've pivoted, added services, or adjusted pricing, ensure your services page is a dynamic reflection of your current offerings.

Question 5: What's Your Budget and Timeline?

A redesign doesn't have to break the bank. The myth we're debunking is that good design is always expensive. With the right strategy and tools, like the JAS website template from Carbon and Clay, you can achieve a stunning redesign within your budget. Challenge the limiting belief that a hefty price tag is the only path to a successful website.

Before you embark on the exciting journey of redesigning your website, ponder these five questions. Remember, it's not just about aesthetics; it's about purpose, audience connection, conversion, and making strategic choices within your means. And as you consider the redesign, debunk the myth that custom equals credibility. Elevate your brand with a thoughtful template, like JAS, and let your website shine as a true reflection of your business. Ready to revamp and reframe? Let the redesign adventure begin! πŸš€βœ¨

Special Offer: As a bonus for our readers, our friends at Carbon and Clay are offering an exclusive 10% off the JAS website template. Use code JAS10 to embark on your redesign journey with a touch of savings. Happy redesigning!


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