Unpacking 2023: The Wins, The Lows, and What's Cookin' for 2024

Can you believe we've kicked off another year? Happy New Year, and if you're catching me live, go Blue – we're starting this year with a bang! Let's dive into what worked, what sucked, and what's on the horizon for 2024.

What Worked:

Last year was all about family vibes. We traveled home twice in one month for family weddings – talk about a whirlwind! Living away from family is tough, especially when you've got kiddos growing up far from their grandparents. But we made it work, and it felt amazing. From special memory-making adventures to just good ol' family chats, 2023 was a win for family time.

Parenting was another arena where we made intentional strides. We realized the struggles, but hey, that awareness is a game-changer. Kid nights became a thing – rotating one-on-one time with each kiddo, doing whatever they wanted. Coloring nights and sleepovers – pure magic. Oh, and dates with the kiddos – can't forget those. Our family group chats were poppin', and the connections felt sweet.

Faith and growth had their moment too. I won't pretend our journey was flawless, but we worked on it. Active participation in children's ministry, more intentional quiet time with God, and diving into the Book of John – it was a vibe. Not perfect, but definitely more intentional than before.

Movement and health – shoutout to my body for keeping up! Despite some ups and downs, I smashed a 5K and kept up a steady rhythm of movement. A thousand miles was the goal, but hey, a couple of hundred is still something to celebrate. The resilience in prioritizing health, especially as a parent, felt like a huge win.

Team dynamics at work – that's a whole story of its own. No drama, just positive vibes. The team held it down, and I'm proud of each one of them. It's amazing how a healthy work environment can make all the difference.

Marriage – the real MVP. We've known each other for over a decade, and we've had our seasons. But being friends first and seeking counseling when needed has been a game-changer. Shoutout to Joe, my best friend, for navigating this crazy journey with me.

What Sucked:

Now, let's talk about the rough patches. Mindset struggles, oh boy. Feeling not good enough and battling mental fog – that was my 2023 theme. It seeped into everything, making decision-making a real challenge.

Business didn't have its finest hour. Sales were down, enrollments took a hit, but the team's energy was the saving grace. Balancing business, family, and personal passions became a juggling act. Still figuring out that sweet spot.

Health setbacks played their part too. Mental fog and a lack of clarity were real struggles. Confronting inner demons took a toll, affecting different areas of life. The intricate dance between mental health and overall well-being hit hard.

What's Next in 2024:

Alright, let's talk 2024 game plan. Seeking mental clarity is top of the list. Embracing the journey of self-reflection, listening to my gut, and figuring out that purpose – it's on!

Business-wise, we're pivoting and growing. Adapting strategies, serving the audience, and finding that work-life balance sweet spot. It's a dance, but we're groovin'.

Personal development – it's a lifelong commitment. Learning from challenges, growing spiritually, and embracing the ongoing journey. 2024 is all about transformative experiences and newfound wisdom.

Nurturing relationships remains crucial. Strengthening family bonds, more date nights, and improving communication in the marriage. Relationships provide stability in life's chaos.

Conclusion? 2024, let's make it a year of growth, purpose, and creating lasting memories. Cheers to the journey ahead, fam!


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