The Number one reason your income and impact declined last year

Get ready for the tea because today, I'm about to spill the secrets that launched my income and impact into the stratosphere. So grab a cozy blanket, maybe a cup of your favorite brew, and let's dive into this juicy journey together!

FIRST - Let's Talk About Walks

If you know me, you know I'm all about those walking and talking vibes. Picture this: the sun is shining, I'm strutting down the sidewalk like I own the place, and thoughts are just flowing. It's like a mobile brainstorming session, and it's one of my absolute favorite things. So, if you're in the online biz world, doing some sales magic, or just hustling in your own way, this is our virtual walk and talk together. Tune into the video linked and let do it real time!

where’s your belief?

Now, let me hit you with a recent mind-blowing moment that had me doing a happy dance. But before I spill the beans, I've got a little surprise for you. Pop into my DMs with "sales," and I'll hook you up with a free heart-centered sales PDF. Yep, you heard that right!

One of my mentors told me an awesome story recently:

Imagine this – a 14-year-old diving into door-to-door sales, making $1,500 in just three weeks.

How? Someone believed in him, changed his life, and set him on a trajectory to millions. That got me thinking – how often do we limit ourselves because we lack belief, not just in ourselves but in the incredible potential of others?

Have you ever had someone believe in you when you least expected it? I sure have. Flashback to the time a random coach recruited me for cross country. I wasn't a runner, but he saw something in me. Long story short, from struggling with a 3-mile block to running a 21-minute 5k and running at the State Championships in the 4x800, that belief changed my entire life trajectory.

Now, here's the juicy part – what if we could be that belief for others? Think about that thing in your life – whether it's your business, faith, a life-changing book, or an incredible community. Why not share it boldly? There are people in your circle praying for precisely what you have to offer.


Let's break free from the stigma around reaching out. If someone's cold-messaging you, give them a virtual high-five! They're brave, on mission, and wanting to support their family. Trust me, healthy people want what you have, and it's time to step into that space without fearing rejection.

I get it; we can be in our heads sometimes. But what if your bold share changes someone's life? What if out of 100 no's, there's that one person who says, "You changed my life!" Now, that's a game-changer, my friend.

Let’s put this into practice: I'm throwing in my heart-centered sales workbook – a gem from my master course that used to cost a whopping $2,000. Crazy, right? Just shoot me a DM with "sales," and I'll send it your way. Let's crush those mindset barriers together.

Let's share our gifts, make an impact, and embrace the boldness. Whether it's your biz, your faith, or a game-changing book, let's spread the love.

Slide into my DMs, share this with your crew, and let's create a ripple effect of awesomeness!


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