Create 30 Days of content in 5 Hours a Month!

I totally get it – juggling content creation with life's craziness can be a real challenge. But guess what? I'm here to guide you through a game-changing process that'll have you whipping up 30 days of awesome content in just 5 hours a month. Let's make this content creation journey streamlined and more FUN, together!

  1. Market Research Magic: So, you're telling me I can spend less than an hour digging up gold on the internet for free? Absolutely! Dive into this FREE Keyword Search called Wordstream, OR use social media groups, and industry publications to uncover real problems people are itching to solve. Jot it all down in your notes, and boom! You've got the foundation for content that really hits home. Try engaging in conversations, conducting polls on your most engaged platforms, and even hosting Q&A sessions to understand your audience's pain points and desires. 📊💡

  2. Have a “Film Day” Every Month: Your brain gets exhausted from task switching, so instead, let’s take one focused to get film all the content you need for the month!

    FIRST, Set a timer for 10-20 minutes to go through your camera roll and start FAVORITING 3-10 second videos (little heart at the bottom right on iPhone.)

    Then, look at your schedule for tomorrow or this week and block out space to do some intentional filming . I even suggest laying out an hour-by-hour planner to remember your daily rhythm to get a variety of shorts during the day. This will help you see all the parts of your day to day (making meals, errands, self-care routines) and will get your brain ready for creating mode!

    I also suggest letting people in your house know what you are up to, especially if you've never done this before! Just tell them you are collecting media for work and to act natural ;)

    Lastly, let's get your Shot List ready for tomorrow! Here’s 5 ideas of shots to get. I give my students a list of 30 inside my Content Creator Fast Track:

    • Going For a Walk

    • Desk Work

    • Cooking a Meal

    • Making Your Bed

    • Getting Ready in the Morning

    You can even put them in order of how you plan to film them (ex. make a "morning routine" shot list, then afternoon, evening) or list them out by type (ex. bathrooms shots, outdoor, out and about, etc.)

    I'm big on timers to keep you focused - set a 10–15-minute timer to stay focused!

    BONUS: If you can do this with a local friend or biz bestie, even better!

    Here's my Top Tips for an effective Content Day!

    1. Grab your shot list and either print or have it on a separate device from the one you are filming on!

    2. Charge up your gear! Lights, camera, action – get your gear ready, with backup chargers!

    3. Choose the perfect location! Find a spot that fits your vibe and makes you feel great.

    4. Rock that microphone! (optional) Clear audio is our unsung hero – let's make it crystal clear. You can us wireless headphones or those cute mics on Amazon.

    5. Frame it up, my friend! Center that subject, play with angles, and create visual magic.

    6. B-Roll footage is KING right now - It's relatable and makes your content pop!

    7. Branding - Keep it consistent, like your favorite playlist. Colors, style, vibes – make it uniquely you.

    8. Get personal with your audience! Connect, maintain eye contact, and be yourself!

    9. Short and sweet, that's the motto! Grab attention, keep it snappy, and edit out the unnecessary.

    10. Review time! Check that footage, refine those moves, and make every moment count.

    11. Stay flexible. Challenges? We laugh in the face of challenges. Roll with the punches!

    12. Hydrate and EAT Take breaks, enjoy the process, and let's make today unforgettable.

  3. Hook + Caption Mastery: After eight years of diving deep, I've cherry-picked the juiciest viral hooks and caption templates in the Content Creator Fast Track Program. Experiment with storytelling hooks, curiosity-inducing questions, and relatable anecdotes to keep your audience hooked.

    Pro tip: try incorporating emojis, asking for opinions, or sharing fun facts to increase engagement. These babies are proven to snag sales, and guess what? They're now yours to use, making your content stand out effortlessly. 🎣✨

🌟 Consistent Sales Await: Ready to jump in? Enroll in the Content Creator Fast Track Program and watch the magic happen – generate a month's worth of income-producing content and snag 10 new customers in just 30 days! 💸📆

What Awaits You:

☑️ 30 Days of Viral Hooks + Caption Templates

☑️ 30 B Roll Film Ideas

☑️ Ideal Customer + Mindset Training for actionable insights 🧠🚀

☑️ Lifetime Access to Your 30 Day Content Creation Course

☑️ Daily Emails for accountability and actionable steps 📧📌

Let's turn content creation into a party, not a chore. With just 5 hours a month, you'll be cranking out content that not only resonates but also brings in the results. Don't miss the fun – visit the Content Creator Fast Track Program now and let's kickstart your content creation journey together! 🚀


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